Saturday 19th August 2017

Planned Maintenance - PDX12, scheduled 7 years ago

Planned infrastructure maintenance on NocTel's PDX12 nodes are scheduled for June 19th. Please see the following for details:

-Planned Maintenance Date: Saturday, June 19th

-Planned Maintenance Window: 7 am - 10 am PDT, 10 am - 1 pm EST

-Expected Service Impact: NocTel services may be temporarily affected for customers using a VoIP server at the beginning of the maintenance window. Long term and chronic system stability and use issues shall not occur.

-Maintenance Scope: Necessary infrastructure maintenance to improve backend stability and performance

With your and other customers' operation schedules in mind, the above window best minimizes potential for disruption during business hours. If you have questions or concerns regarding the planned maintenance, please contact the Support Team (, +1.503.764.4332). Likewise, if you find your service is impacted post maintenance, please immediately contact Support. Support may contact you pre-emptively if any issues affecting your account are detected post maintenance.

Update: Maintenance has completed and NocTel engineering will monitor system stability over the course of the evening.